
Unlock Your Media Potential in Just One Day!

Enhance your style, boost your confidence, and captivate any media audience with our expert-led Media Training Public Workshop.

Join thousands of professionals who have transformed their media skills with our proven techniques and strategies. Whether you’re learning to be a spokesperson, promoting your own product or business, or hosting your own podcast or show… our workshop is designed to elevate your public speaking abilities.

What You'll Learn

Master Your Style

Learn to present with poise and confidence that resonates with your media audience

Craft Compelling Content

Structure your media content for maximum impact with clear, persuasive messaging. We'll give you the formula

Engage and Persuade

Techniques to engage your audience and persuade authentically.

Voice Control

Use your voice effectively to hold attention and express your points.

Handle Any Question

Techniques to handle live questions confidently and maintain control of the presentation.

Why This Workshop Is Essential For You

Boost Confidence

Overcome public speaking anxiety with our confidence-building practices

Drive Results

Equip yourself with the skills to influence decisions and drive outcomes.

Increase Engagement

Learn how to keep your audience interested and responsive.

Professional Growth

Enhance your professional image and open doors to new opportunities.

About the Training:

In today’s digital, multimedia world, every interaction has the potential to be scrutinized and every statement can become a headline. Effective media communication is no longer just beneficial—it’s essential.

Our 1-day Media Training Public Workshop empowers anyone aiming to be a spokesperson, a media guest, or a host of their own content. With a focus on mastering style, substance, and the unpredictable nature of media interactions, this workshop ensures that your message is not only heard but resonates powerfully and positively across all platforms.

Navigating the media landscape without proper training is akin to walking a tightrope blindfolded. The risks are high and the falls, hard. Missteps in media interactions can lead to misinterpretations, magnified controversies, and missed opportunities for positive exposure. Imagine stumbling over a question about your own product or cause, not due to a lack of knowledge but because of unrefined communication skills. Such moments can diminish your credibility and tarnish the reputation you’ve worked hard to build. In contrast, adeptly handling media can elevate your personal and professional brand to new heights.

Workshop Overview

This workshop is meticulously designed to address every facet of media interaction:

  • Personal Style: Cultivate a presence that is both authentic and appealing.
  • Content Substance: Learn to articulate your message with clarity and impact.
  • Navigating the Unknown: Develop composure and agility in handling unexpected questions or crises.
  • Social Media Savvy: Harness the power of social media platforms to extend your reach and engage effectively.
  • AI in Media: Get ahead by understanding how artificial intelligence is transforming media dynamics and offering new tools for engagement.

Interactive sessions, practical exercises, and feedback from industry veterans will provide you with a robust toolkit for media excellence.

Benefits of Attending

Attendees will leave with numerous tangible benefits:

  • Enhanced Presentation Skills: From body language to voice modulation, learn how to present yourself effectively in any media setting.
  • Sharper Message Delivery: Gain techniques to ensure your message is compelling and retains integrity across various platforms.
  • Crisis Management: Equip yourself with strategies to handle high-pressure situations with poise.
  • Digital Footprint Expansion: Learn to leverage AI and social media to amplify your message and engage with a broader audience.
  • Valuable Networking Opportunities: Connect with media professionals and peers, enriching your network and opening doors to new opportunities.

Detailed Breakdown of Sessions

  • Session 1: Mastering Your Media Persona: Techniques for developing a charismatic and credible media presence.
  • Session 2: Substance and Soundbites: Crafting messages that are insightful, impactful, and impossible to ignore.
  • Session 3: The Art of the Unpredictable: Simulations and role-plays to enhance your reflexes and responses during live scenarios.
  • Session 4: Social Media Strategies: Effective use of platforms for promotion, engagement, and crisis management.
  • Session 5: Embracing AI: Insight into how AI tools can streamline content creation and personalize audience engagement.

Call to Action

Seize the opportunity to turn every media interaction into a triumph. Register today for our Media Training Workshop and transform your communication skills from tentative to tremendous. Don’t wait—spaces are limited, and demand is high. Secure your spot and begin your journey to becoming a master of media communication.

Meet Your Trainer

Jess Todtfeld, CSP

With 20+ years of experience in corporate training and a seasoned public speaker, Jess Todtfeld has empowered more than 100,000 professionals to take their presentation skills to new heights. Featured by ABC, NBC, FOX and CBS, his innovative and dynamic approach will transform your public speaking abilities.”

Jess has been a TV host, reporter and producer.  As a guest he holds a Guinness Record for giving the most interviews in 24 hours… 112 in a single day, lasting 5 minutes or longer on radio.  Jess has also been seen on ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, CNBC, and BBC.

Jess Todtfeld, Presentation Master Trainer

Hear From Our Attendees

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our workshop.

Do I need prior experience in media (Being interviewed or hosting)?

No prior experience is required. This workshop is designed for anyone looking to improve their media skills. During the pre-training process, you will share details about what you are looking to gain in this training. This will help us share the right lessons with you.

What materials will be provided?
  • All participants will receive a comprehensive workbook, access to practice videos, and post-workshop resources.


Is there follow-up support after the workshop?

Yes, we offer follow-up sessions and access to an exclusive alumni network for ongoing support.”

What if I have more questions?

Just reach out to us:

Enroll Today​

Secure your spot and start transforming your presentation skills!

$1482 $ 997 00
  • Access to the workshop
  • All materials
  • A year of post-training
  • $5000 worth of online courses from our library
  • Certificate of completion
We're confident in the value of our workshop. If you’re not 100% satisfied, we offer a full refund